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Build a “button-to-modal” animation with GSAP

In this new tutorial, we’ll continue working with GSAP and learn how to create an easy-to-follow, attractive, button-to-modal animation. This type of animation is ideal for toggling modal forms. Without more intro, let’s explore the final result! 1. Begin with the page markup Inside a wrapper, we’ll place the modal trigger and an empty element….

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What Does AI Really Mean?

In 2024, Artificial Intelligence (AI) hit the limelight with major advancements. The problem with reaching common knowledge and so much public attention so quickly is that the term becomes ambiguous. While we all have an approximation of what it means to “use AI” in something, it’s not widely understood what infrastructure having AI in your…

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How to build horizontal marquee effects with GSAP

New to GSAP? First things first: did you get here ’cause you’re curious about GSAP, but don’t know exactly what it is? Let’s give it a quick overview. So, what is GSAP? GSAP is a JavaScript animation library from GreenSock. You can create high-quality GSAP animations. These will perform well in every browser you’re using….

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New Front-End Features For Designers In 2025

Component-specific styling, styling parents based on their children, relative colors — the web platform is going through exciting times, and many things that required JavaScript in the past can today be achieved with one simple line of HTML and CSS. As we are moving towards 2025, it’s a good time to revisit some of the…

The Design Leader Dilemma

Many design leaders find themselves in an impossible situation. On one side, senior management have read articles trumpeting the incredible ROI of user experience design. McKinsey tells us that design-led companies achieve 56% higher returns to shareholders. Forrester reports that every dollar invested in UX brings 100 dollars in return. Yet the reality I encounter…

Build a website page configurator with CSS & JavaScript

To build our page configurator, we’ll combine old-school CSS techniques with modern CSS features like custom properties and container queries.  What We’re Building Without further ado, let’s take a look at the final project. Click the setting icon to the left of the screen to access the controls panel: 1. Begin with the panel markup…