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Taking RWD To The Extreme

When Ethan Marcotte conceived RWD, web technologies were far less mature than today. As web developers, we started to grasp how to do things with floats after years of stuffing everything inside table cells. There weren’t many possible ways to achieve a responsive site. There were two of them: fluid grids (based on percentages) and…

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How to build a JavaScript page loading animation

Previously, we learned how to create a JavaScript page loading animation with GSAP. Today, let’s make another beautiful loading animation—this time without using any external JS libraries! What You’ll Be Creating To better understand what we’re going to build, check out the demo page. Be sure to click on the menu links to repeat the…

Integrations: From Simple Data Transfer To Modern Composable Architectures

This article is a sponsored by Storyblok When computers first started talking to each other, the methods were remarkably simple. In the early days of the Internet, systems exchanged files via FTP or communicated via raw TCP/IP sockets. This direct approach worked well for simple use cases but quickly showed its limitations as applications grew…

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Let’s Git Right To It

Read to the end to take a ride in the beatmobile… In today’s edition: GoDaddy throws down a cool half-million in support of the WordPress community. Post Status is turning into a Dutch nonprofit and folks are pretty happy about it. The internet has finally decided on the correct pronunciation of GIF. Hot Off The…

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Forminator Now Supports More Payment Options with Stripe

When it comes to payment forms on your website, there’s one thing for sure: The more ways for people to pay you, the better. That’s why we’ve released a major update to our Stripe integration, offering your customers more flexibility and convenience when making payments. Instead of just credit and debit cards, you can now…

Transitioning Top-Layer Entries And The Display Property In CSS

Animating from and to display: none; was something we could only achieve with JavaScript to change classes or create other hacks. The reason why we couldn’t do this in CSS is explained in the new CSS Transitions Level 2 specification: “In Level 1 of this specification, transitions can only start during a style change event…