How To Build Custom Data Visualizations Using Luzmo Flex

This article is a sponsored by Luzmo In this article, I’ll introduce you to Luzmo Flex, a new feature from the Luzmo team who have been working hard making developer tooling to flatten the on-ramp for analytics reporting and data visualization. With Luzmo Flex, you can hook up a dataset and create beautifully crafted, fully…

Why Anticipatory Design Isn’t Working For Businesses

Consider the early days of the internet, when websites like NBC News and Amazon cluttered their pages with flashing banners and labyrinthine menus. In the early 2000s, Steve Krug’s book Don’t Make Me Think arrived like a lighthouse in a storm, advocating for simplicity and user-centric design. Today’s digital world is flooded with choices, information,…

CSS charts: how to create an organizational chart

In previous tutorials we’ve learned how to create different types of charts including bar charts, thermometer charts, and donut charts. Today we’ll continue this journey by building a CSS-only organizational chart. Ready to test your CSS skills? The Organizational Chart We’re Building Here’s the CSS chart we’ll be creating: It consists of four levels and…

Sticky Headers And Full-Height Elements: A Tricky Combination

I was recently asked by a student to help with a seemingly simple problem. She’d been working on a website for a coffee shop that sports a sticky header, and she wanted the hero section right underneath that header to span the rest of the available vertical space in the viewport. Here’s a visual demo…

How SEO in 2024 still works

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has been a cornerstone of online visibility for years. However, many people wonder: does SEO still work in 2024? The short answer is yes—SEO remains highly relevant and effective. But it has evolved, and understanding how it works today can make all the difference for anyone wanting to increase their website’s…

I Prefer Dark Mode Because Light Attracts Bugs

Read to the end for a tiny yet extremely majestic lion. In today’s edition: The truth behind the classic “average person eats 3 spiders per year” factoid. Tips that’ll make organizing your taxonomies a little less, uh… taxing. America’s finest news source, The Onion, is now powered by our old friend WP. Hot Off The…